It is finally official. I have achieved my 100GT Near Coastal Master's Mariners license. After years of putting it off, it only took the USCG 6 days to approve my application. I am still waiting on that actual printed license, but I am in the system so it must be on its way. It only took about 3 days for me to get my TWIC (Transportation Worker Identification Credential), so I am registered with yet another government agency that says I am OK. I just need to convince my neighbors of that, but that is a different blog.
I am still working on the technology piece of linking my phone with my computer so I can upload photos easier. Here is one of them. I was trying to get the sunset, but it really did not show up well.
I realize I have been neglecting the progress of my boat preparation, but rest assured things are happening. I will try to get a catch up blog out soon, with the progress and pictures. I have started my research into visiting the Turks and Caicos today and there is a lot to know without a lot of information. If you want to see some beautiful pictures, I just ran across this blog today and they are gorgeous. Well, back to more research…
USCG Licensed 100GT Master