Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Getting Ready

OK, so we are making real progress in the boat preparations. Things are starting to get organized and we are just about ready to provision her. There are a few more maintenance items to take care of, including fixing the guest head's shower for the second time. I just spent 2-3 hours yesterday on it, and it worked fine this morning but not anymore.

I am trying to use a new feature on the left hand side of the screen. I will attempt to post our Lat/Long in Google Earth so you guys can follow us on our trip. I know sometimes it is hard to figure out where we are and how far we have traveled. This is still experimental, so if it fails, I will let you know. If you have any problems, just let me know, and I will try to fix it.

We should be leaving by the end of the weekend, which should make the neighbors happy as they wanted a bon voyage bash before we go. Hopefully it will be soon. The weather is really turning cold, so I want out of here soon. More Chores to come….

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas is over, where are you?

OK, so we have not left yet. We are still trying to leave before New Year's, but you never know. I calculate that as long as we leave within the next 2 weeks we will still be in the Turks and Caicos (TCI – new vocabulary folks so I don't have to type as much. To catch you up, the boat had an electrolysis problem which required a haul out and a lot of work. The electrolysis destroyed the outer [rectangular] tubes of the hydraulic swim platform which had to be remanufactured since the lift has been discontinued. The boat is back in the water, and we are working hard to get it ready for the long journey.

I know I have been remiss in keeping the blog up, and our life has been full, especially during the holiday times. I will try to keep all of you up to date more often. Our neighbors have been so wonderful, it is hard to explain. We have not had time to socialize outside of our neighborhood since there is so much going on in the hood. The Chinese gift exchange; the illumination walk; the holiday decoration contests between all the neighbors; the cul de sac parties, the Patrouski Christmas eve party with the food and the best clam chowder in the world.

So here we go, we will try to get ready and get going. Stay tuned for more updates.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

They Call Me Capt’n Bri

It is finally official. I have achieved my 100GT Near Coastal Master's Mariners license. After years of putting it off, it only took the USCG 6 days to approve my application. I am still waiting on that actual printed license, but I am in the system so it must be on its way. It only took about 3 days for me to get my TWIC (Transportation Worker Identification Credential), so I am registered with yet another government agency that says I am OK. I just need to convince my neighbors of that, but that is a different blog.

I am still working on the technology piece of linking my phone with my computer so I can upload photos easier. Here is one of them. I was trying to get the sunset, but it really did not show up well.

I realize I have been neglecting the progress of my boat preparation, but rest assured things are happening. I will try to get a catch up blog out soon, with the progress and pictures. I have started my research into visiting the Turks and Caicos today and there is a lot to know without a lot of information. If you want to see some beautiful pictures, I just ran across this blog today and they are gorgeous. Well, back to more research…


USCG Licensed 100GT Master

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Changing the Oil Changer

I had no idea that changing the location of the Oil Changer would be that complicated. One phone call, and two visits to the local rubber and gasket company netted the extensions I needed to move the changer. For those that are not familiar with the 480DB set up, the oil changer is mounted horizontally on the inboard stringer with the hoses mounted into the center passageway down in the bilge. The valves get accidentally opened and the hoses take up room in the aisle way. So I decided it needed to be moved to a more convenient location. It looked like it would fit on the bulkhead behind the transmission, but the sea strainer for the generator was mounted there. So I decided to swap the locations and mount the oil changer in a vertical orientation so that the hoses were straight down and no longer in the aisle. I had to extend two of the four hoses by adding a 1.5ft of oil resistant hose. After I tightened ALL of the connections, the oil stopped leaking into the bilge.

The sea strainer was a little complicated as the stringer is not a straight vertical surface, so I had to cut a spacer for the top of the strainer and I could only get one screw in the bottom bracket, but it is in securely now.

I have since continued on my quest for a clean bilge. There is 12 years of oily, smelly and dirty grime everywhere. I am using the best degreaser in the world, which is called Tuff Enough. This is the best stuff I have ever used when it comes to degreasing. It has my executive seal of approval for this, but I can only find it in Florida so I use it sparingly. Even with the overhead of the bilge up and out of the way, I cannot get into all of the spaces outboard of the main engines, so I hires one of my neighbors to help me clean. His name is Parker. He is about 13 and probably does not weigh 80 pounds. He came over with no shoes and a clean outfit. He left with grease literally from the balls of his feet to the top of his head. He can really fit into some small spaces. He helped immensely.

I have since repainted my motors and tomorrow I plan on more cleaning and painting of the bilge itself. Someday I will get it to my standards of cleanliness. Until then, that is where I will be. My turbos are not expected until at least Wednesday, so I get 2-3 more days cleaning the bilge. That is all for now.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Engine Room Pics

The Preparations Begin

OK, here we are in September of 2009 and I am starting to get ready for another southern journey. While I did not start early enough, I did however, start at the end of August, so hopefully we can be ready. The problem is: I have a lot of plans for this cruise. So here is what is going on:


  • I had a mechanic do a routine checkup on my main motors and here is what we found so far:
  • The turbines need rebuilding – In Progress
  • The Impellers need to be replaced – Done
  • The Valves need adjusting – Done
  • The Starboard Motor needs a new exhaust Gasket – Done
  • Starboard Motor after-cooler to be cleaned – Done
  • Both Oil Pan Gaskets need replacing – Done
  • Major Field Day in the Bilge – In Progress
  • All Engine Hoses need replacing – Done
  • Generator Starter needs replaced – In Progress
  • Generator has heavy smoke under load – In Progress


  • Bilge Area
    • Install Mirrors on outboard sides of the engines – Material bought, In progress
    • Update Bilge lighting – Not started
    • Relocate Oil Changer (which requires relocation of Generator Sea Strainer – In progress
    • Design and install Water Maker – Research only. There will be more posts on this one.
    • Design and install Scuba Tank compressor
    • Fix water intrusion from the transom locker
    • Organize poles in transom locker
    • Hook up STBD tank to generator
    • Organize storage
  • Salon and Interior
    • Replace Carpet – Not started
    • Replace wood flooring – not started
    • Mount TV/DVD in Master Stateroom
    • Install TV in Guest Stateroom
    • Design and install phone system
    • Possibly design/install cabinetry in "L" room
  • Cockpit Area
    • Relocate Water bib
    • Permanently install Water filter/softener
    • Install Tackle box
    • Create permanent line storage
    • Create Scuba Tank Holders (4)
    • Install subwoofer and amp
    • Design and have cockpit canopy installed
    • Teak flooring (as money allows)
  • Bridge/Helm
    • Redo fiberglass for helm
    • Design new CPU based navigation system
    • Install TV
    • Install SAT Data/VOX
    • Replace all speakers
    • Possible replacement of forward isinglass
    • Teak flooring (As money allows)

I am sure there are a lot more items but I thought I would start with a list now. As I complete each job, I will post articles and pictures to describe each trial and tribulation. I am starting the blog early to ensure that I have all the tools necessary to post. That way there should be no delay once we start. More to come later.
